Roller Sets for Women in Rancho Bernardo, CA at Plaza Hair Salon

Want long-lasting beautiful curls? If the answer is yes then visit us at Plaza Hair Salon. We will set your hair properly, make sure it’s clean and conditioned. We will discuss with you the entire process to know whether you want or not your rolls over-directed.

Once we section your hair and roll it we will use metal clips to help secure it. When everything is set you will sit under a dryer to apply heat. After your hair is dry we will leave it to cool before we remove the rollers. The price for a roller set at Plaza Hair Salon is $35.

Our hairstylist will make sure your hair has the right volume and the curls are in perfect shape.

Most of our clients love to keep in touch with us, they call us when they have hair related questions and we always try to answer them all. Call us at 858.485.7551 to schedule your appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome too!

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