Affinage Coloring Class at Plaza Hair Salon

18th June 2017

“The coloring course was awesome! I really liked everything, Monica was great, I learned a lot of things about the coloring process and a lot of tips. I like that we are able to do gray coverage with 10 volume, not with 20 volume.”


Good presence, a pleasant appearance, and self-confidence are very important aspects of life nowadays, especially when it comes to first impressions. Most of the times, even a small change in people’s usual look generates a boost of confidence and makes them feel more optimistic. So why not take this chance and learn how to use the science that lies behind hair coloring to your advantage. With Affinage, you can use your creativity to add a touch of freshness and originality to your look and life and keep your hair healthy at the same time.

What did the stylists learn after the course?

1. How to read the hair color

Knowing how to use shade charts and properly identify shades is of high importance in order to obtain the results you aim for. You will be taught how to differentiate between more than 100 color shades using a numbering system in which every color is labeled with a four digits code. The trainer will explain to you what every figure of the number means, how colors complement each other and what influence the hair type has in the process of hair coloring.

2. How to choose a hair color

At the end of the course, you will be able to correctly choose a hair color tone judging by the percentage of white hair that you need to dye and the color that you wish to obtain. You will also learn about the importance of development time and how to use the right volumes of color in reaching the best outcome. And don’t worry, whether you work as a hair color artist or not, the information is presented in a fun and interactive way with lots of examples in order to make it understandable for anyone who attends the course.

3. How to apply the color

Applying the hair color is a decisive step in the whole coloring process and that’s why we will teach you how to do it the right way. Once you understand what are the benefits of using a scale and how to choose the right application brush, you will be able to apply hair color correctly and achieve the perfect coverage.

Get Your Hair Colored at Plaza Hair Salon!

Plaza Hair Salon uses their own hair coloring products which are the best ones out there. They are based on a technological concept called DATEM+, which means basically that the coloring is made from the inside of the hair strand to the outside, this way eliminating the risk of a superficial coverage and providing a long-lasting and shining color. Moreover, because of the technology used in creating the Infinity Hair Color line, the keratin bonds of the hair are not damaged. Not to mention that the coloring products that Plaza Hair Salon uses are very scalp-friendly, they don’t burn or itch, making every client fall in love with them. Call 858.485.7551 or e-mail us at for your appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome too!

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